.. _sphinx_search: ================================ Search (powered by SphinxSearch) ================================ Search is powered by `Sphinx `_. It allows us to do very fast full-text search and avoid hitting the mysql databases or polluting them with search-related data. Production ---------- Production at peak load based on log analysis done in 2009 suggests that we serve 10q/s. Sphinx is served from two load balanced nodes that also serve sphinx for preview and SUMO. Testing ------- Testing of Sphinx can be remarkably slower since Sphinx needs to populate tables and truncate tables for each test. If you are trying to run a quick test you can always omit Sphinx:: ./manage.py test -a\!sphinx Addon criteria for being indexed -------------------------------- Sphinx tries to index all valid addons. The query in `configs/sphinx/sphinx.conf` looks for addons that meet the following criteria: * A name needs to be set for the default locale. E.g. if your default locale is ``fr`` there should be a corresponding translation for the name in ``fr``. * Only (non default) translations of an addon that have either a description or summary set will be indexed. E.g. if your addon has ``en-US`` as a default locale, the ``fr`` locale won't be indexed if you haven't set a description or a summary.